Saturday 29 June 2013

Voice of god

                            Everyone of us aspire for a saviour in our distress. Someone who could help,or protect
us in our hard difficult times and bring happiness. But we fail to recognise the voice of god that guides us.
No we don't beleive that voice.  here we go................
                           There was a young man,pious and religious.  Once he wanted to go up a mountain to
the shrine of god there.  It was already 2p.m. in the afternoon, and going up and coming down the mountain
would take him nearly 5 to 6 hours.  He thought that he could travel the distance within four to five hours as
he was very young and energitic.Hence started off.  Went up, prayed to God heartfully, sincerely and devotionally. Fully satified he started off on his return journey. He didn't know that climbing the mountain was more easier than getting down.  Sun started setting.  Darkness made his journey more strainful and difficult.  He had to be more careful as there were deep vallies on his path.  He found that trekking down the  mountain was very hard and  frightening. Then suddenly he fell down into a pit. But fortunately  caught hold of a branch and hung himself from the tree.  Fallen into distress he prayed to God .-Oh God where are you? Why don't you come and help me. The ever kindhearted God spoke to him-my son leave your hold, you will be saved.The man started thinking, this branch is my saviour now.  I do not know how deep the valley is.  Suppose I fall down and die?  No, let me hang till dawn.  Pity  the next day some pilgrims who passed by, brought down his deadbody from the tree, told - how stupid the height between the tree and the ground was just 5 feet, he could have easily jumped down, than straining himself to death. 
                           In this same way many of us do not hear the voice that speaks within us.  But try to blame
God for beihg unkind.  The concious is the God's voice, which guides us into positive thinking.  We tend
to ignore it as it is very feeble. We have to concentrate on it and try to follow. 
