Sunday 30 June 2013

Fate and Intelect

                                     Now a days it has become a habit togo to an astrologer or a numerologist  to know about our fate.  This some times gives us happiness, some times sadden's us.  Is it correct to know about it or should we use our intelect to over come this?  This is the question which has to be answered.
                                     Once a man went to a astrologer. He gave his horoscope to be analysed. The astrologer took two days to go through the horoscope and finally told the man - You will live for another month only.  This news upset the man very much.  He started grumbling to everyone he saw about this.  He said that he wanted to live atleast for another ten years.  People were tired listening to him. To avoid him and his grumbling , one of them said, you go to Sage Vashista, he will surely help you to change your age somehow.  
                                    He went to the Sage and told him of his fate.  Taking pity on him the sage decided to help this man.  He went straight to Yama and enquired about this.  Darma Raja said -'whatever is written in one's fate cannot be extended or reduced.  Then the sage asked the death god to atleast tell him at what time he is going to die.  Yama said, all the details are kept in the record room, you are at liberty to verify it yourself.  Vashista started hunting for this man's details.  Days passed on. One, two, three. Even after ten days he was not able to find the details. The next day sage Vashista decided in his mind that, today will be the last day, if I don't find the details today, I will stop searching for the record. Deciding thus he started
searching for it.  Fortunately he found the details.  He eagerly opened the record to know the details.  It was
written -' the day sage Vashista finds the record and reads it, this man will die.'
                                  So dear friends do not try to change your fate using your intelect. Knowing your fate is the most unfortunate thing, as fate always goes hand in glows with intelect.